We have a range of ongoing projects that are open to join for all members. New projects are always welcome and we encourage project suggestions to be brought to the table. Project nights occur weekly when each project team meet and works on their chosen project. Project work does not have to occur during this time and work outside of project night is recommended.
Our flagship project is to use our interdisciplinary knowledge of Engineering to design, test, and launch a space system into orbit with a scientific module as a payload.
Heavylift Drone
Ground Control System
Build and fly multi-rotor and fixed-wing UAVs and FPV drones, and work on our large 10kg payload-capable Heavylift Drone.
Learn how to build hobbyist rockets and work with peers towards your Level 1 High Power Rocketry Certification so you can use model rocket engines up to a total Impulse of 640Ns.
Join the team overseeing our constantly improving, portable, fully integrated GCS that is used to communicate and control with UAVs, and has been loaned out to Clubs to participate in robotic competitions.